Unlock the remedy for the next leap THE CHALLENGE Diagnose the current situation of our client's newly purchased chain restaurant THE OUTCOME A Report containing Industry Dynamics, Competition Analysis, and our client's Restaurant Diagnosis THE METHODOLOGY Desk Research, Expert Interview, Mystery Shopping, Customer Satisfaction Survey In 2004 the Chinese culinary industry underwent changes. Firstly, the rate and frequency of dining out in the city kept rising. Secondly, the competition was getting more intense because shopping malls preferred businesses like restaurants, which is less likely to be taken over by online shops, to maintain the traffic. Thirdly, the premium restaurant was shrinking under the Chairman Xi's strict anti-corruption policies. Our client is an investment company who had just purchased a Taiwan cuisine restaurant chain. It needs a third-party's view of what is going on with the industry and the restaurant so that it can make effective decisions. The project team assigned a fieldwork to 12 shopping malls in three different cities where the client's restaurant located. A combined methodology was applied to obtain a full scope of the situation. One key takeaway is our client's restaurant is doing well with attracting first-timers but weak in maintaining repeated visits. Barriers include their vague positioning on price, the lack of communication on their cuisine culture, the variety, size, the slow update of their dishes, and lack of innovation in promotion and service. The report contains details of the diagnosis together with the case studies of their star competitors.
AuthorRachel Wang EditorAimee Grace Tapeceria |
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